Service Schedule
Holy Communion First Sunday of Each Month
Sunday School 10:00 am
Traditional Worship Service 11:00 am
Lutheran Laymen's League(LLL) meeting & breakfast 4th Sunday
Lutheran Women's Missionary League(LWML) Quarterly
Homecoming 2nd Sunday in September
Advent & Lenten Services 7:00 pm
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 7:00 pm
| Worship Traditional service every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. We offer Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. We provide an Infant and toddler Nursery. Hearing aid devices available. Mid-Week services during Advent and Lent Easter Sunrise service in the cemetery, followed by breakfast. Worship service 10:00 am. Christmas Eve Candlelight service
Sunday School
Holy Communion The constitution of the Church requires that only those confirmed members who receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at least once within the current or preceding calendar year and have made contribution of record within the current or preceding calendar year, shall be on the active role of church members. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is too important to receive just once a year. The Pastor will serve the Sacrament at home or hospital, when asked. When a Pastoral visit is desired (for Holy Communion, counseling, sickness at home or hospital) notify the Church Secretary, Mrs. Martha Mackie at 704-732-3626. |